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Celebrating Record Client Satisfaction

Following a period of significant organisational change, we are thrilled to announce the results of our recent Client Satisfaction Survey at the ESP Group. This survey has yielded the highest number of responses to date, marking a remarkable milestone for our team. The overwhelming feedback from our valued clients paints a picture of continued excellence and improvement.

Key Findings:

  • Highest Response Rate: This survey received the highest level of engagement from our clients, demonstrating their commitment to providing feedback and shaping our services for the better. 
  • Improved Overall Satisfaction: 97% of respondents expressed being satisfied or very satisfied with our services. This demonstrates our unwavering dedication to meeting and exceeding client expectations.
  • Enhanced Ease of Collaboration: Client feedback revealed a notable improvement in their perception of ease in working with us, with 94% indicating that they find us easy or very easy to work with, up from 87% previously. This reaffirms our commitment to fostering seamless collaboration and communication.
  • Exceptional Communication and Responsiveness: 97% of respondents expressing satisfaction in these areas, reflecting the dedication of our team to maintaining open channels of communication and promptly addressing client needs.
  • High-Quality Goods and Services: Clients overwhelmingly praised the quality of our goods and services, with 97% stating that they meet their needs well or extremely well. 

Client Feedback:

  • Words of Praise: Clients used words such as “reliable”, “useful”, and “high quality” to describe our goods and services, reflecting the positive impact we have on their operations.
  • Team Recognition: Our team was lauded for being “helpful”, “friendly”, and “proactive”, underscoring the importance of our dedicated professionals in delivering exceptional service.

The outstanding results of our ESP Client Satisfaction Survey are a testament to the hard work and dedication of our team following a period of significant change. We are immensely proud of these achievements and grateful to our clients for their continued trust and support. As we look to the future, we are excited to build upon this success and further strengthen our partnerships with our valued clients.

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ESP Systex Holdings Limited, Witham House, 45 Spyvee Street, Hull HU8 7JJ

Company Number – 07123448

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